Safety first1

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first2

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first3

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first4

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first5

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first6

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Let's look at some of the features

  • Remember everything

    Don't ever forget anything again. The chip in your brain makes sure everything is kept. And kept safe forever and ever.

  • Up-to-date 24/7

    On our end we'll make sure you're updated with the newest software. It happens while you sleep and it doesn't take more than a few minutes.

  • Full power

    You're the battery, so don't ever worry about power. As long as your heart beats you're online and only when you're finally dead you're out of power.

  • Chat with everyone Not Included In Beta

    Want to call your mom? Your son? Your best friend? All you have to do is imagine them and you'll be redirected instantly.

  • Service provided

    If the chip or lens malfunctions we're here to help day and night. Call us or go online where pretty ladies sit at telephones. We're at your service.

  • Growing community

    We're growing fast so join in while you can and the Beta is free. It won't be long until we go gold and then you'd have to pay a lot!

  • Sustenance via chipComing Soon

    Soon we'll implement something incredible: You won't have to ever eat or drink again.. quite useful for busy businessmen and others.

  • Save money

    No need to buy smart phones, computers, speakers, radios or anything else. It's all there in your brain and in your eye ready for use.

龙邮票纪念邮票猴年邮票民居邮票邮票价格大龙邮票邮票市场南京文交所钱币邮票交易中心十二生肖邮票邮票交易所在杀手行业闻名遐迩的顶级杀手乔森对自己身世始终一无所知,在一次意外中,扑朔迷离的真相浮出水面,对自己身世的调查在悄悄展开,他能否在一次次危险的行动中脱身并找寻到自己身世的线索?到底什么才是他的归宿!!!那就成为avenger!为了爱的复仇者!  我徐阳穿越异能世界,激活神级异能,从此成为战神。 我   孟沧渊作为一一个时代的传奇,帮助孟家成就霸主地位以后,找了个小山村隐居起来,只想平平淡淡的过完余生,偶尔治病救人,刚安稳的度过了几年,老友来访后,带来了无止境的麻烦,孟沧渊:老子欠你的嘛?某一天。 一位名叫秋刀鱼的家伙重生了。 然后本就事业有成的他,其实可以,能不能重生到玄幻的世界。 可惜天命不凡,硬生生地重生成了一个废物。 当废物就算了,还是一个残废。 残废就算了,还被人嘲讽…… 但这一切,都没有什么,不就是被人嘲讽吗? 不就是废物一个吗? 我秋刀鱼绝不当废物,也不当咸鱼!各地越狱的犯人逃到了南方的某个城市,城内警察四处抓捕,但都无疾而终。 这些犯人中的某一位来到这座城市之后便开始了行凶杀戮…… 警察陈实在父母过世后,再一次独自面对黑夜中的行凶者不明日,灵气聚散,孕一神明,混沌始开。 清上浊下,天地得以开分。 绝地天通,分九重天,地十八层。 不周断,妖兽四起,尸山血海,民不聊生。 祖龙化力,平妖兽之乱,助秩序重修,现龙门、起天山,灵气借而复苏。 灵气始然,百家争鸣,拳脚技法、刀剑步招、丹药法门,皆而传之。 每逢十八,三界分合,灵气完足纯厚。 上天山,入重天,可获机缘,经劫难,入九重天,可为上神。 飞禽走兽,跃龙门,亦得造化。 妖兽鬼魅、近夜而行、夺精魄血肉、以逆天而修,堕入地浊,为大妖,称阎罗。 修士十八为修,替天行道,赶早悟化。 平常人家,不入不扰,食烟火、练拳脚,安之乐之。 周而复始,仙运再临,且看有缘者,乱世沉浮,得造化,显神通。 武侠小说已经衰弱,并且还在一直衰弱下去,这是一个事实。 我喜欢武侠小说,可是现在的武侠文说真的,已经没什么好写的了。 提起“武侠”两个字,每个人都可以想到诸如“门派”、“功法”、“内力”、“招式”或者“宝藏秘籍”,“家国情仇”等等的东西了,说实话,作为武侠文作者,我自己都觉得太过乏味旧气了。 所以或许我还能写出一点,哪怕只有一点点,起码让我自己还能觉得不太乏味的东西。 我不知道我到底能不能写出这样的故事,但是可以肯定,本文一定不会暴爽,更不会爆火,(哈哈……)但是我还是尽量想让自己写出一点有趣又不至太老套的故事,所以如果你对武侠文还有兴趣,也许你可以进来,帮我搞点点击量……嘿嘿…… 苏远携武道修改器一朝穿越,踏入这片光怪陆离的世界。 人间苍茫,众生皆苦,恶鬼食人心,人道满污浊,半夜孤魂扰人清,魑魅魍魉乱大千…… 苦海无涯,何以自渡,唯靠一双铁拳打穿这暗黑乱世! PS:这是一个生死看淡的莽夫物理超度妖魔鬼怪的故事石小方是个很方正死板的人,说了不能妥协就是不能,说了不能少泡一个就是不能,一直以自己所能想到的各种无耻借口做着方正而死板的自己。但是现在的他很方,他只是个打算如方石一般横扫过人生这个终将有终点的大滑坡,怎么突然就告诉他,这个滑坡之下,是修真界这片汪洋大海呢? 俗世百年,我的钱呢?我的妞呢?我的七情六欲,你一片海就要我全丢了,去做你的定海神石?想得美呢吧老头子们!本人在上学,更新有可能会很慢,请大家多多支持
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